Charlie The Unusual Snail
Charlie The Unusual Snail
This game was created for the MashUp Game Jam 2 with theme "Unconventional means" by me and my friend and goddaughter Alise (14) who did all the art.
This is a game about an unusual, super smart snail named Charlie. The snail has gained some abilities and will be using a bunch of unconventional means to achieve his goal of saving his children.
Will he be able to save all of his children or will some of them meet an unfortunate end?
WASD - Move
SPACE - Jump
LMB - Shoot
RMB - Dash (also in the air)
Pick up hearts to restore Charlies health.
Watch out for the pesticides, garden gnomes and birds.
Jump on leaves and flowers.
To finish the level reach Charlies children.
Download 25 MB
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